Historical Bigu Food & Qinway Bigu Food

Conditions for Traditional Bigu in history & Food

Only a small number of Chinese Daoist classic and history books explain about Bigu, a condition for rejuvenation and become immortals. These books invariably emphasize the following preconditons to achieve Bigu (i.e. open channels, and not just fasting). First, one needs to have an energy ball (Dan) in the Lower Dantien. Second is to eat wild food with special strong energy. The first condition requiers devoted practice in mountains for 10-15 years. The second condition means that one needs to spend much time & efforts to look for these rare plants in mountains collecting the essence of natural energy. In short, traditional bigu neither encourages to withdraw from eating altogether, nor to eat regular food - but rather to choose essence wild produce from high mountains!

2. Qinway's Bigu Conditions & Food after Reform

Carrying special missions and abilities, Grandmaster Qinyin researched and designed special food to help student open channels & install energy ball (Dan) during Retreat intensives. This has been her special project for a long time. In order to support students' bigu, Grandmaster Qinyin has never stopped researching special energized products for Bigu students living in a fast pace society. She has traveled to Chinese deep mountains multiple times specifically for this purpose. After much efforts and detours, the first group of Immortal Food and Energized Powders were successfully born. Hope you appreciate these precious Energized Mountain Food, which are the results of much efforts and detours.

There are only limited stocks available, order now!

Qinway students in the last few Retreats have tried and experienced the amazing effects of these Energized Food. They have proven particularly helpful for students in passing the stage of "vital Qi attacking diseased areas" and detoxification reactions. Furthermore, compared with similar food from stores without initiation, Qinway Energized Food can get into the cellular level of the body more easily.

3. Example: Use Qinway bigu food to achieve success in a rare case

Tom is a computer engineer with a weak physical make-up and many chronic diseases from birth. He came to Qinway in order to transform his body & life, which western medicine is unable to change. With Tom's physical condition, it would take at least 10 years of diligent practice of Qigong & bigu for Tom to have a qualitative change in health.

Coincidentally, Tom attended the Retreat when these Energized Food were first offered. Besides strictly following Grandmaster Qinyin's directions, Tom ordered a series of Energized Powders and Yellow Essence (due to limited stock, his classmates left all Yellow Essence to him out of compassion). All these helped Tom successfully complete bigu for three months, especially when his energy fluctuated or "vital Qi attacked diseased areas" during bigu. When Tom returned to Qinway Center to repeat the Retreat, he has changed himself inside out, a totally different shining "Tom"!

Under what situations to use Bigu Food without hesitation during bigu?

• When you feel weak

• When your emotion fluctuates, and a bit hard to control

• While not hungry, you still want to eat more

• When vital Qi attacks your diseased areas

• When your disease root of "too much fire" hasn't been remove yet

• If you have chronic or serious diseases

• When you are out of town in a different/mixed Qi field or with too many people

• When you don't have enough time to practice Qigong, but workload is too much

• When you feel very stressful

• When you have the reactions of feeling very cold or very hot

• If you wish to achieve rejuvenation soon

• If you wish to do completely professional bigu to achieve best healing & rejuvenation results, and are financially ready

• If you wish to become a Qinway TA (Teaching Assistant) or a good "magnet" to teach and magnetize other people

5. Individual Signals

Various unique Energized Mountain Food are available to enhance your bigu experience. There are only limited stocks, please order in a timely manner. Most of these Mountain Food can be stored for over a year. When you order online, Qinway Center will know, and Grandmaster Qinyin will remotely initiate them with your individual signals.

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